Unprecedented—So much café+co energy in one place
Hierarchies were not important at this café+co Explorer event: Everyone, from filler to manager, sat around a flip chart and worked together with the café+co Explorers on 58 influencing factors that could affect the future of café+co in one or the other direction. The joint work process was characterised by an inspiring atmosphere full of creativity and inventiveness that incorporated different perspectives and experiences from all café+co departments. Together, the participants succeeded in placing the future café+co strategy on a solid foundation of expertise, experience and openness that can respond to change in a flexible manner.
The participants and the café+co Explorers were guided through the workshop by the keynote speech from Michael Höllerer, the general manager of Raiffeisen Lower Austria-Vienna. Michael Höllerer, an experienced bank manager, confirmed that the participants were on the right path. He underlined the importance of examining alternatives to the current status quo in depth. His message made it clear that the café+co Explorer process is the ideal preparation for uncertain times. The more intensively café+co analyses potential future scenarios, the more flexibly and more agilely the organisation will be able to prepare for future realities. The words of Michael Höllerer were encouraging and gave us the necessary boost to be steadfast and continue our path.
At the end of the two intensive days, the feedback was varied and ranged from "exciting", "interesting", "inspiring", "different", "new" and "adventurous" to "exhausting" and "challenging." See for yourself what the two-day, large-scale workshop was like:

We hope that you were able to sense the positive mood and high level of motivation among the participants. Together we are shaping the future of café+co. Join us on this exciting journey!