Starting signal for the first 6 café+co Explorer initiatives
The selection of the Explorer initiatives
In the selection, it was important for us to forge a bridge between the day-to-day business and the strategic Explorer initiatives in order to clearly emphasise that these are not just simply additional “projects” that we are implementing but that the goal of the strategic initiatives is the joint growth of the café+co Group and these are thus intended to boost the day-to-day business.
The Explorer initiatives were selected in such a way that they have a direct link to the day-to-day business, promote the further development of our core competences and support the work in new areas of business and activity for café+co.
You are now undoubtedly intrigued as to which 6 Explorer initiatives will accompany us from the next financial year onwards. See for yourself!
The café+co Explorer initiatives for the financial year 2024/25
A structured framework for the implementation
During the workshop in Regensburg we developed a strategic framework for the implementation of these initiatives. Our goal is to make continuous progress in a structured manner and in doing so facilitate flexibility, control and measurement of performance. That is why goals for the implementation of the initiatives on a quarterly level were defined together with the café+co managers and the Initiative Leads in order to regularly monitor our progress and to make adaptations quickly when new opportunities arise or we encounter obstacles.
Here, you will gain an insight into how we collaborated in Regensburg in order to expedite the strategic further development of the café+co Group along our Explorer Master Guideline.

A big THANK-YOU goes to all Initiative Leads – Malgorzata Jerominek, Gerald Matzner-Holsmer, Saso Tadina, Benjamin Graf, Bernhard Riedl and Martin Tanner.
We look forward to the next steps with great anticipation and to shaping our further journey together. Together we rock 🚀