Four months on: What’s been going on in the café+co Explorer project?

And now, let's take a quick look at what has happened in the last four months:
Tour of the café+co countries
Following the launch of the café+co Master Guideline in January 2024, a number of transformative initiatives have been implemented - most notably the workshop with the management of the café+co international holding company. The management was impressed by the number of new ideas, the level of innovation and the new spirit of collaboration that has developed within the café+co Explorer team. This was clearly felt by all workshop participants.
The first workshop was followed by regional management workshops held in March and April 2024. The aim of these meetings was to make sure that the expectations and capabilities of the regional subsidiaries were in line with the new strategic guidelines. The focus of the meetings was to promote open dialogue and collaboration. The goal was to make sure that each café+co country has the capacity and drive to successfully implement the new strategies.
In-depth discussions were also held with the café+co country managers to get their views on the strategic work ahead. A key topic was getting ready for the introduction of new digital systems, which are vital for a customer-focused approach to the market. Current human resources challenges, including recruitment, training and retention of employees, were also discussed.
Looking to the future
The café+co Group is well positioned for the future, with the Master Guideline providing a solid foundation for growth and innovation. The journey has only just begun, and with the continued commitment of the café+co Explorers and the combined efforts of all café+co countries, the Group is well on its way to achieving its strategic goals. The commitment to open dialogue, innovation and cohesive teamwork will undoubtedly take café+co to new heights.