Does everything that can go wrong go wrong?

Does everything that can go wrong go wrong?

Murphy’s Law says that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. At café+co we take this “law” as a challenge: When tackling the “wild cards” from the last meeting, our café+co Explorers in Barcelona not only defied Murphy’s Law; they also found a strategic path through many an uncertainty, using creativity and ingenuity.


Actively looking at unforeseeable problems may perhaps seem excessive at first glance but is actually a call to prepare rather than trusting in blind optimism. The scenarios of the “wild cards” aim to achieve precisely that: Just like a creative culture helps us to stay open-minded and curious and to drive forward new ideas and innovations, “wild cards” help us to approach challenges in a realistic and proactive manner.

The scenarios of the “wild cards”, i.e., unexpected events that could turn our plans upside down, clearly require a good deal of imagination. When the potential “wild cards”, from blackouts to negative PR campaigns, were discussed, it was as if the Explorers were planning the next twists in the plot of a book. Every idea, every action plan becomes part of our story of prevention and preparation. From initial astonishment to proactive strategy development – this was the transformation that the café+co Explorer team went through. It was a process in which the initial scepticism ended in the insight that good preparation is the best defence. What we learn from this? That challenges of today are frequently the opportunities for growth tomorrow. We encourage you to take up the positive energy of the café+co Explorer team and to tackle your own challenges just as enthusiastically.

Like a good story that comes to an end, our café+co Explorers will also soon close their final chapter. But instead of drawing a line under the matter there, we are opting to continue – with a strategy that is so flexible that even Murphy’s Law will only cause us to smile.

Do you have any questions or concerns, or would you simply like to exchange information with others? Please feel free to contact the Explorers. The café+co Explorer team is always willing to learn, to grow and to tackle challenges that await café+co.

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