Our thanks go to the café+co Explorers
One of the most important moments in this exciting project was undoubtedly the official handover of the Master Guideline to the café+co managing directors during the closing event. This strategy paper is the result of the hard work by the café+co Explorers. It now serves as an important manual for shaping the future path of café+co and implementing the ideas and innovations that it contains in practice.

We cannot emphasise enough how proud we are of our café+co Explorers. Their work and creative ideas will not only shape our future but also help to strengthen our position in the industry and promote sustainable growth. Their passion and their innovative spirit are an inspiration for us all.
The Master Guideline is a valuable manual for the next steps to be taken by café+co. We are excited to see how we can implement the recommendations of the café+co Explorers in practice and which thrilling developments await us. It will be an exciting time for café+co and we can hardly wait to embark on this journey together.
Sincere thanks again to our café+co Explorers – you have exceeded our expectations and inspired us with your work. We are ready for the future and look forward to everything that is yet to come.