Be brave and explore new futures

Be brave and explore new futures

In an era shaped by the energy crisis, climate change and new ways of working, companies are now faced with the task of future-proofing their operations. Having a clear business strategy is a proactive way of tackling the challenges involved head-on. That’s why the café+co Explorer team are now taking the first steps to doing so by using the scenario method to positively shape the future of café+co.

Along six different trend fields, the dedicated café+co Explorers are investigating what life will look like in the year 2035 and what this means for the business operations of café+co. Ute Hélène von Reibnitz, an experienced coach in the field of scenario development, is guiding them through the process. We spoke to her about why she is such a firm believer in the scenario method.

What makes working with the scenario method so special for you?
Ms Reibnitz: The scenario method helps us to navigate future uncertainties and provides us with the tools to develop future-proof strategies. By enabling us to think openly about future changes, it creates a kind of future-fitness or agility.

What sets it apart from more traditional strategic approaches?

Ms Reibnitz: Traditional approaches are strongly focussed on the past. It goes without saying that the past is an important aspect to consider, as we gained valuable knowledge and experiences in this period of time. However, it’s important that we don't project past trends and paradigms into the future.

What piece of advice would you like our Explorers to take away with them?

Ms Reibnitz: Investigate the different ‘futures’ using the scenario method and find out just how exciting and fascinating they could be; discover the kind of freedom and space that these ‘futures’ could offer us for the purpose of inventing new products, services and processes. Be brave and have fun exploring these ‘futures’.

We would now like you to be brave and have fun exploring, too. Have a think about how the world will look in 2035 and share your vision with our café+co Explorers. After all, every opinion counts!